Monday, February 24, 2014

Pompeii Time

So I saw the movie Pompeii this weekend and I liked it. When I was thinking about it later I realized that the film fits really well within the Adventure Time universe and I started to have a lot of fun with that idea. I think I'm going to do a several page comic and I have a script idea already laid out but I wanted to play with the style a bit first

Monday, January 27, 2014

Not much progress in the employment area. To be fair though it's been far too cold to go outside and look for work. When things warm up, I'll try again. In the meantime I'm drawing again. I'm trying more realism since it's been a while. This is my current celebrity crush Kit Harington (Jon Snow, Game of Thrones) the reference is from the Sam Jones Vanity Fair shoot

Also I have a new review on I Am Tuned Up over Sherman Baker's self titled album