Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Moonwalker Update

It's been along while since my last post but I have done lots of progress along the way. All the 2d animations are done. Now I just have to work on 3d shots, effects, and clean up on backgrounds

Friday, August 9, 2013

Chaos - First Draft

So this is a rough start for a personal project im working on to get refamilar with AfterEffects before school starts. It's Littlefinger's monolauge from season 3 of Game of Thrones. There's going to be a lot more to it and theres a lot of tweeks to be made but I just wanted to get some progress up

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jon's First Live My Last Show

June 1st at O'Shecky's second Team USO Benefit Concert, was my friend Jon Grubbs from Ranger Danger's first show as the lead singer for Live My Last. Sadly the sound wasn't too great so I couldn't hear him to well, but what I could get was great. It was clear he and the rest of the guys where having a good time and the response from the audience was positive. I'm looking forward to more shows like it.

New Illustrations

Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead
Jon Grubbs for the Live My Last set
more on Live My Last in the next post

Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Ranger Danger Song: Tiny Spoons

Last night Ranger Danger released their new single Tiny Spoons on youtube and their band page on facebook check it out

Bad Veins w/ In Silent Movies, The Ridges

my first contribution for I Am Tuned Up is up. It's a concert review for three bands I was completely new to. Read it here:

And here's some pics from the night

To Kill A Monster, Cross Solider, Shallow Side

I'm going a little out of order concert wise, because there's a bit more important new additions.

Last Saturday I went to Scarlet and Grey Cafe for my first show seeing To Kill A Monster without Ranger Danger. It was a fun and different change. I also started up a business deal with the guys that I'm excited about. More details later.

The show was the second night of  the after party for Rock On The Range. Starting off with Cross Solider, a metal band, which in Scarlet and Grey's obnoxiously loud sound system, is a bit painful to listen to. Also not a huge fan of metal. Next was To Kill A Monster, who were great as always. Even after Joey forgot the words to a song. I really love their new songs and I'm looking forward to their recordings of them. Lastly was a band I had never heard of before but everyone was telling me how awesome they are, Shallow Side. And... they were. They were badass. When I get some money their album is the first on my list.