Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Moonwalker Update: Setnorm Guard

Trying to come up with other character designs. This is one Setnorm Corporation Guards, (Setnorm is an anagram for monster). So I had an idea of like a Robocop, Judge Dredd, Storm trooper mixture and what I have is a GI Joe Cobra Commander thing. lol

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Really Quick Scene

just a really quick scene i've been working on in animation 3. i got the keyframes and basically all the inbetweens

Friday, September 21, 2012

2 Artist

Daniel Baxter
Who is one of the artists and animators for my favorite webseries How It Should Have Ended

And the other is also an online animator Ed Skudder and Zack Keller creators of Dick Figures

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jon Head Sketches

yesterday i got kinda bored waiting for my turn to critique and well, i started doodling Jon heads.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Moonwalker Storyboard

So here is the start of the music video
But for my class I've been focusing more on later in the song

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Moonwalker Sketches

I've started doing a little bit of story boarding but I'll post those up later. For right now here are some different sketches I've been working on

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Moonwalker Reference

Finnally! I got my notes from Jon, so now I can really begin this project. We're going with a 50's Sci-fi feel so before I start redrawing my characters and props, I wanna make sure I know what that stuff looks like

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More Ranger Danger Stuff

I shot footage of Ranger Danger playing Moonwalker last Friday night at Victory's. Figured it might be helpful for the music video. Pictures from that night are two post below

Monday, September 3, 2012

Moonwalker Reference

For my senior thesis, I decided to do an animated music video for the band Ranger Danger. After talking to them, or more Jon, on Friday, he told me he wanted to do Moonwalker, their first new single of the summer, and have it like a motion comic. Unfortunately that's all he told me and has yet to respond to my questioning about details so I am moving on on my own. I've been listening to the track over and over to get a broad idea of what's going on, trying to figure out the lyrics for the plot, and... will deal with character specifics when Jon gets back to me. (not sure if we're going to have the band or original characters). Not even too sure if I'm actually doing the artwork or just animating it. I think it will also be fun because it ties in with motion graphics, which I've recently fell in love with and want to pursue more. Little worried about the 3D elements though, but will deal with that when we get there.
I'm now (as I'm typing this) watching some examples of motion comics because, well I've never actually seen any. So far they seem really interesting and should be a cool beast to tackle. Here are some of the ones I've been looking act

Ranger Danger at Victory's